Personal Details
Doctor Name Connie Le
Primary Specialty Preventive, Acute, & Chronic Internal Medicine
Experience 17+ Years
Education & Training
Medical Education George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington DC.
Residency Virginia
Practice Areas Internal Medicine
Certifications Medical Degree of Internal Medicine


Connie Le, MD, of Annandale Primary Care in Annandale, Virginia, is committed to compassionate, holistic care for all of her patients. Providing comprehensive primary health care to patients from adolescents through seniors, she specializes in preventive, acute, and chronic internal medicine.

In 2000, Dr. Le received her medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. She went on to complete her internal medicine residency at George Washington University in 2003.

In the past 15 years of practice, she has developed her skills in internal medicine as a hospitalist at multiple facilities and in private practice. She opened Annandale Primary Care in 2005 to privately treat patients with the highest quality of care possible, regardless of social, financial, or cultural backgrounds.

Dr. Le is passionate about education, especially of medical and nursing students. She is currently an assistant clinical professor at George Washington University School of Medicine and was named as the Top Community Preceptor of Internal Medicine from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine for five consecutive years from 2009-2014.

Providing health care to underprivileged rural populations is one of Dr. Le’s passions. Her most recent work includes rural Appalachia, Haiti, Mongolia, Ecuador, and Vietnam, where she provides free medical care and education.

Dr. Le strives to build trusting relationships with patients, either in her office or internationally, partnering with them to have the best health possible throughout their lifetimes.