Physical Exam Q & A

Depending on your current stage of life, if you’re planning on trying out for a sport, or you’re traveling abroad, a physical exam may be necessary. The providers at Annandale Primary Care offer physical exams to their patients in Annandale, Virginia. Call the office today or request an appointment online.

What is the purpose of a physical exam?

Whether you’re due for age-appropriate vaccinations or you’re planning a trip abroad, the providers at Annandale Primary Care offer a routine physical exam to ensure you’re healthy.

A physical exam is an integral part of preventive medicine for everyone, regardless of age, gender or activity level. A physical assessment helps your provider to do the following:

When should you receive a physical exam?

Often, a sleeping partner can help to determine if you’re having symptoms of sleep apnea. Someone suffering from sleep apnea may not realize they have the typical symptoms, or may not associate their symptoms with their sleep patterns.
Symptoms may include:

Being overweight also influences how often you should get a physical because it can increase your risk for issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

What will your review during your physical exam?

Your doctor will check your vitals, including your weight, heart rate, and blood pressure. Depending on your age, personal health, and family history, your doctor might focus more on specific tests, such as diabetes and cholesterol screenings, for example.
Typical items your doctor will review include the following:

After updating your clinical history, your doctor performs a physical examination. They inspect your body for unusual marks or growths, as well as feeling or palpitating your abdomen and other parts of your body. They do this to check the consistency, location, size, tenderness, and texture of your organs.

These physical exams can also help you establish and maintain a relationship with your provider. If you think you’re due for a physical exam, call Annandale Primary Care today or request an appointment online.

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Undiagnosed patients can unknowingly transmit the disease to others. Early diagnosis can help to prevent or stop an outbreak.